jQuery, HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, WordPress 2018.12.31 Patrick Olesiak



About My Journey in Web Development

In 1993, I began studies in Computer Science & Computer Information Systems at College of the Desert (Palm Desert, California). That was around the time the Internet was released to the public. A few years later I enrolled in my first web development class, Introduction to the Internet. At that time, HTML 2.0 was in use, so that is what I learned. CSS existed, but it was not mainstream. Formatting using tables was common, so I practiced HTML with table layouts. Those were the days of CGI common gateway interface (a script standard for writing interactive programs generated by visitors to web pages)..

While I attended COD, I worked fulltime at Angel Views's Children's Hospital in Desert Hot Springs. The first three years I was an activities team member, and the last couple years I worked as a computer operator. I am grateful for having the opportunity; I was a computer science student, and that job allowed me to practice skills learned in college. Additional job requirements were upgrading administrative computers: hard drives, memory, video... I'd get a minimum of three bids for the hardware, and then the board would approve one. It was always for a computer tech friend at the college who also operated a computer company, "Chip Off the Old Byte". With the hardware, I also received installation instructions, so it was successful hands on learning of computer assembly that would allow me to build computers in the future. That was one of many computer skills acquired on the job.

At the end of 1995, a dozen people co-founded The Desert Internet Group (DIG). I was one of the co-founders, and the original webmaster. DIG was an organization hosting monthly meetings with expert technology speakers. I also served two years as the first elected vice president. It was a wonderful experience mixed with learning and socializing I'll always cherish.

Beyond Angel View, I was recruited by Adams Business Media in 1998 via COD. My position was Junior Database Programmer connecting SQL Server Databases to websites. We did it primarily using Classic ASP/VBScript. I did not know ASP, so I learned by on the job training. At COD, my computer science studies included Visual Basic, so learning ASP Classic/VBScript was natural.

Graduation from COD was in 1999. I graduated with a certificate of achievement in Computer Information Systems. As the years passed, I wondered what it would have been like if I completed general education requirements for a degree.

Patrick Olesiak's Computer Information Systems Certificate from College of the Desert, May 1999

Next I moved into Orange County and from 2004 until 2009 I volunteered in a computer clinic restoring old computers from business to be used in the public. It was an excellent opportunity to keep active using old school computer skills, and develop lasting friendships with co-workers.

patrick ole august 3, 2008

From OC Orange County, I moved to Los Angeles County, Long Beach, and resided there eight years. During that time I volunteered five years at Aquarium of the Pacific. The years I put in the most hours were 2012 & 2013. I earned The President's Volunteer Service Award those years. The award was an honor, but more importantly I enjoyed learning about marine life and sharing the information with the public.

President's Volunteer Service Award 2012President's Volunteer Service Award 2013

In 2015, I enrolled in Long Beach City College to earn a degree I missed out on at COD. I started with General Education which is required for a degree, next Human Services, and finally Computer & Office Studies: Web Development. I completed the work for an Associates of Science Degree in Web Development on December 11, 2019, and will participate in the annual Commencement graduation ceremony spring 2020!

LBCC Associate of Science, Web Development, class of 2020.2020-6-12_PO_commencement_slide2020-6_PO_class_of_2020_masked_grad